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What are the ASP Minimum Requirements? - Knowledgebase / FGX Web / Secure Seal / ASP - Foregenix Customer Support

What are the ASP Minimum Requirements?

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1 ASP Minimum Requirements

The information found below runs through what the requirements are in order to successfully run the ASP seal from your webserver.

1.1 ASP Role (classic ASP support)

From within the Server Manager you will need to head to Roles -> Web Server (IIS) and then check to make sure that the server has ASP installed as shown from the image below. Without having this role installed the server won’t be able to handle classic ASP. 


1.1 ISAPI and CGI restriction settings

ASP must be allowed in ISAPI and CGI restriction settings. In order to check this you will need to open you Internet Information Services (IIS), select your IIS server and then head to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.

From within here you will need to check to make sure that the ASP is allowed. If there is no entry then you will need to add an entry for allowing ASP. If the entry for ASP exists but is not allowed you will have to edit the entry and tick ‘Allow extension path to execute’.

If classic ASP isn’t used on anything other than the seal we recommend that you remove ASP handler from the Handler section of the webserver and then enable the ASP handler only for the website where the SEAL is to be installed.


1.1 Configure the ASP Handler for SEAL only for a website

It is a mandatory requirement that the ASP handler for the SEAL must be created for a website where the SEAL installed. Firstly, select the website and double click on Handler Mapping feature:


From within the handler mappings section of the IIS manager we can create a handler for classic ASP. The example provided below is set up specifically for the FGXseal.asp, this means that the handler will only handle request related to the seal. Any other classic ASP file will not be handled under this handler.


Below is an example of how to create a classic ASP handler specifically for FGXseal.asp only:

  1. Add Script Map
  2. Request Path is set to FGXseal.asp
  3. Executable is set %windir%\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll
  4. Name: FGXseal.classicASP

  1. Request Restrictions

i. Mapping: invoke the Handler only if the request is mapped to: File

ii. Verbs: One of Following verbs: GET,POST

iii. Access: Specify the access required by the handler: Script


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