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5 search results for "guidance"
My SSL Certificate is showing as Insecure. What does this mean and how would this affect my site? How can this be resolved?
This means that communications between you and your customers could be compromised resulting in info...
Security headers are showing there may be a leak, should I be worried?
It is advisable to hide all security headers as they can give hackers information that could help th...
What can we offer that other providers can't?
We offer the most up-to-date and powerful website threat detection scanners in the market. Alongside...
The Website Overview has detected Bad Headers. What are they and how can this be resolved?
This means that the server hosting your website is providing information about itself. This informat...
What are the benefits of signing up for FGX-Lite / Website Security Health Check?
FGX-Web Lite is the most cost effective website security solution in the market. Our website threat ...