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How do I add a database to the Database Card data Scanner? - Knowledgebase / FGX Web / Credit Card Scanner / Database - Foregenix Customer Support

How do I add a database to the Database Card data Scanner?

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Simply login to the portal at and navigate to Advanced Settings under Management.


In the database card data scanning module, enter the information for your database into the appropriate fields, then click the connection test link. If there is an error with the conenction test, an error message will appear towards the bottom of the page.


You may need to refer to a third party such as your website developers or your website hosts who may be hosting your database for the database details.


The error most likely produced when you test the connection, may be:


Retrieving Database List Failed


The most likely reasons why this occurs will be the secure seal has not validated sucessfully. This means our servers cannot commiunicate with your website so we are not able to view the database.


If connection is succesful a popup message will appear.


Send us a quick email at if you requre further clarification on this.